Research is essential to our creative process, so we invest time getting to know our clients and their needs. To design and make quality woodwork we need to understand its purpose, learning how it will suit the individual and their surroundings.
Our designers and project managers have a deep knowledge of materials as well as traditional and contemporary production techniques. We can advise, guide, and explore creative ideas practically, aesthetically and with production efficiency in mind.
We believe it’s vital to develop, communicate and clearly present ideas so clients fully understand what to expect, also inviting them to feedback easily and effectively.
3D modelling and textured renders are key to our process and the communication of ideas. This provides us, our clients, and our project partners a greater understanding of the design.
Our team of highly skilled bespoke cabinet makers and joiners prototype, develop and carefully construct exceptional hand-crafted woodwork.
Your Special Branch designer and project manager will oversee the making process ensuring continuity throughout the project. This lead role can be extended to incorporate and manage specialist material sourcing, external makers and experts.
We propose a visit to the workshop during the design stage or while your commission is being made, so you may also enjoy and better understand the entire process.
Whether shipping to a New York apartment or fitting furniture in a house locally, care and attention is paid to every detail.
We understand buildings and work alongside other trades. We can provide service details and requirements where needed, for seamless integration of your commission. If installation is required our team of highly skilled fitters are friendly, considerate and keep mess to a minimum.
Wherever possible, packaging is entirely wood based, plastic free and easily recycled. We would love it if you recycled as much as possible too. Thank you!

Research is essential to our creative process, so we invest time getting to know our clients and their needs. To design and make quality woodwork we need to understand its purpose, learning how it will suit the individual and their surroundings. Our designers and project managers have a deep knowledge of materials as well as traditional and contemporary production techniques. We can advise, guide, and explore creative ideas practically, aesthetically and with production efficiency in mind.
We believe it’s vital to develop, communicate and clearly present ideas so clients fully understand what to expect, also inviting them to feedback easily and effectively.
3D modelling and textured renders are key to our process and the communication of ideas. This provides us, our clients, and our project partners a greater understanding of the design.
Our team of highly skilled bespoke cabinet makers prototype, develop and carefully construct exceptional hand-crafted furniture.
Your Special Branch designer and project manager will oversee the making process ensuring continuity throughout the project. We propose a visit to the workshop during the design stage or while your commission is being made, so you may also enjoy and better understand the entire process.
Whether shipping to a New York apartment or fitting furniture in a house locally, care and attention is paid to every detail.
We understand buildings and work alongside other trades. We can provide service details and requirements where needed, for seamless integration of your piece. If installation is required our team of highly skilled fitters are friendly, considerate and keep mess to a minimum.
Wherever possible, packaging is entirely wood based, plastic free and easily recycled. We would love it if you recycled as much as possible too. Thank you!

Research is essential to our creative process, so we invest time getting to know our clients and their needs. To design and make quality woodwork we need to understand its purpose, learning how it will suit the individual and their surroundings.
Our designers and project managers have a deep knowledge of materials as well as traditional and contemporary production techniques. We can advise, guide, and explore creative ideas practically, aesthetically and with production efficiency in mind.
We believe it’s vital to develop, communicate and clearly present ideas so clients fully understand what to expect, also inviting them to feedback easily and effectively.
3D modelling and textured renders are key to our process and the communication of ideas. This provides us, our clients, and our project partners a greater understanding of the design.
Our team of highly skilled bespoke cabinet makers and joiners’ prototype, develop and carefully construct exceptional hand-crafted woodwork.
Your Special Branch designer and project manager will oversee the making process ensuring continuity throughout the project. This lead role can be extended to incorporate and manage specialist material sourcing, external makers and experts.
We propose a visit to the workshop during the design stage or while your commission is being made, so you may also enjoy and better understand the entire process.
Whether shipping to a New York apartment or fitting furniture in a house locally, care and attention is paid to every detail.
We understand buildings and work alongside other trades. We can provide service details and requirements where needed, for seamless integration of your commission. If installation is required our team of highly skilled fitters are friendly, considerate and keep mess to a minimum.
Wherever possible, packaging is entirely wood based, plastic free and easily recycled. We would love it if you recycled as much as possible too. Thank you!

Building client relationships



Building client relationships
We believe effective communication and knowing our clients creates a more useful, joyful product. We invest in building client relationships and the research process, so everything we create is truly considered.

